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  • Writer's pictureJaci Mun-Gavin

Sisterhood - What A Night! Pics, Podcasts, Video Clips and a Big Surprise...

Where do I begin? From having to move to a bigger venue, to having to open the doors early due to the sheer press of the crowds, people spilling through the doors of the auditorium like a flood, 1500+ ladies filling the 900-seater in minutes, sitting on the floor and in the aisles and still overflowing out the doors and into the foyer. The atmosphere was electric - expectant and thick with faith.

To preach was an experience I will never forget. I found myself whispering to God in the early hours of the next morning, “God, what just happened? What was that last night?”

And he whispered back, “I answered your prayers. You asked me to give you breath of fire, that your words could make Me visible, and I did! You spoke words of fire and they set hearts ablaze. Now you need to pray for the wind of the Spirit to blow, fanning the flames, because I am starting an uncontrollable fire, a wildfire that is unstoppable...”

This has blown up so far beyond the beautiful spark that is the miracle of Kiara’s life. Kiara’s friends danced that night, to one of the songs they danced to in the hospital, day and night, pleading for her life on her behalf. No, not pleading. Just in agreement with the words of God over her in that moment. The words of the song are about breathing life into dry bones, about joining in with the sound of heaven.

“We will sing until they wake... We will celebrate them coming home before they even start to move...” And at last, after a minute in the dance, illustrating the weeks and days and hours after Christmas, Kiara got up and joined them, at the line in the song which said, “It was the rhythm of your dancing that woke me from my sleep.”

What an exquisite picture of sisters hearing God’s Word over their friend, and agreeing with heaven on her behalf, until she was able to agree herself. This is Sisterhood. This is an unstoppable wildfire. Because God is speaking life over the death in your life, and this miracle that we have all witnessed is not an end in itself, it is a sign and a wonder, pointing to what God is wanting to do for you.

Breathe, breath of God, we pray. Blow on this fire, set hearts ablaze, wake people up from the deep slumber they have been in and let them hear your voice, see your face, and join in with your dance!

For those who were not able to be there, I have included photos of the evening, a link to the podcast, and a video of the dance. Yes, we wish you could have all been there, man or woman, from wherever you are in the world. But rest assured, this wildfire is not even close to being contained in that one building, or in that one night. Even now, you know that something is stirring inside of you. Breathe, breath of God! Let your fire roar! People of this Earth, Awake!

And on the back of this exciting night, it is my great delight to announce the release of a new song by Anthem Worship, Keep Hope Alive. Written and performed by the ridiculously gifted Paul Edy, and featuring backup vocals by my friend with the voice that wakes the sleepers, Nicole Cilliers, and our very own daughter, Jada Mun-Gavin, in her first appearance on record. Because God is accelerating a movement of faith-filled people willing to #keephopealive as they long for God to come through for them.

Download the song here:

Listen to the sermon here:

See all the gorgeous ladies by clicking through to this: Link to Photo Booth Pics.

And finally, the beautiful dance...

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Mar 01, 2019

Wish I was there , keep hope alive and spread the fire blessings to sweet K

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