Jaci Mun-Gavin

Defining Love
Love has redefined my life, and redefined my identity. Everything I do that has any value comes from a place of being loved, and is for the purpose of sharing love. I hope you find that here!

Visible Life
I've learnt to love the naked me - the raw, open, imperfect and yet perfectly lovely me. I’m living painfully alive - excruciatingly, breathtakingly, beautifully alive - and I want to stay this way. Not hidden behind my walls; not hidden behind my skin.

Words of Wisdom
Wisdom is a deep well of understanding opened up within you as a fountain of life for others.
My aim is to drink deep and live open, so others can drink. I want my words to sustain the weary, and guide the seeking. My desire is that you would find love, life and wisdom here as I invite you into my life.